Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Get Your CEO to Join Twitter

If your CEO can text a message saying he's late for a meeting, then CEO man or woman has passed the test.  He or she should be able to update on Twitter on a regular basis. 

Though CEOs may think that Twitter is nothing more than following someone who is having a bad day, or in line to see a documentary, or eating fish tacos on a sandy beach in Mexico, you know that it's more than that.  What CEOs can actually discover is likes/dislikes of their followers or people who they are following and use that information to their advantage.  Furthermore, Twitter is the place to have conversations with their market, learn about impressions people have on certain products or services, provide live updates from events and conferences, announce special deals, keep in touch with media, monitor their brand, and manage connections with bloggers, prospective customers and other people who influence.

Now what's a better use of a CEO's time?

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